
Monday, September 06, 2004

Hello all. I've some news to tell you. You might want to sit down for this, as it may be a little unpleasant.

I've decided to cave in to the peer pressure and quit this blog. Parts of it have left a bad taste in my mouth. I appreciate the support I've received over the past year and a bit more, everyone, but it's time to move on. For those of you who are avid readers, I'll be sure to leave a comment on your respective blogs to tell you where the new addy can be found. I want to say that it has been a truly enriching experience to write for your pleasure. Thanks for making me feel so loved and accepted, and I hope that you're friends enough to follow me into this next chapter of my life. Thanks for paying attention, really. I couldn't have asked for more.

Thanks again,


Thursday, September 02, 2004

Bonjour tout le monde!

I've missed you all a bit. On my last day of summer freedom, I thought I'd give you a bit of a post and all that. Nothing much has transpired since last I met with you.. mostly just packing and making sure everything was in its place. I've virtually been completely packed since sometime last week and waiting to leave. Part of me's nervous and the other part's simply flat, wondering if I can make three English classes and three chem labs work out for this semester. I'd love to bring my g.p.a. up to a healthy and viable 3.0 at the very least, you know? Of course, that'd require me getting at least 3 As. My mom the perfectionist finds it difficult to grasp that I could earn anything less, but.. well, that's how it goes with mothers, is it not?

Things with Josh have been good. We miss each other and as the countdown toward my return continues, the two of us have come down to phoning three or four times a day. I don't even wanna see my cellular bill come next month. But it's sweet, and just what I need to make up from this less-than-stellar summer in the romantic department. Of course the highlight was getting to see him briefly for that sweet weekend he came down to visit, but that wasn't much of a visit since my parents were freaking out, as usual. If things go as planned, he should be moving back to "a-squared" soon. I can't wait for that. Even though I'll have my wheels this semester (and where I'll be parking them and acquiring a permit remain feats yet to be mastered), it's not like I wanna drive out all my gas heading to and from the 'burbs of Detroit. But between us, you know I would. :)

I think I'll be declaring a major come the end of this or the beginning of Winter semester. That's got me with a little cold feet, though, so keep me in your prayers. I want to be making the right decision and not wasting time and loads of money (and debt) on some degree I could have gotten from CSU for a heckuva lot less.

And now I must go wash my hair. Not because I don't have the money to pay my hairdresser, but because I'm too lazy and cheap to spend the 30 bucks. So what. I call it thrifty. :-P Later.
